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Monday, June 23, 2008
peliculas que quiero ver este verano aparte del kungfu panda
The directorial debut of horrormeister John Carpenter comes in the way of Dark Star a parody of Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece, 2001--A Space Odyssey. Director: John Carpenter
---------------ERASERHEAD (1977)
Filmed intermittently over the course of a five-year period, David Lynch's radical feature debut stars Jack Nance as Henry Spencer, a man living in an unnamed industrial wasteland.
---------------Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life (1993)
Richard E. Grant stars in this short satiric comedy as gloomy author Franz Kafka, who has been stricken with a serious case of writer's block on Christmas Eve. Kafka is trying to get started on his latest short story, The Metamorphosis, but he isn't sure what his protagonist Gregor Samsa should become. As Kafka struggles with indecision, he has to content with a loud holiday party downstairs, several unexpected guests, and a sinister knife salesman who has a bone to pick with Franz. Directed by Peter Capaldi.
--------------------Angela's Ashes (1999)
Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir by Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes is an alternately funny and heartbreaking look at growing up in Ireland. Born in Brooklyn, NY, young Frank (Joe Breen) moves at an early age to Limerick, Ireland, with his parents Angela (Emily Watson) and Malachy (Robert Carlyle), who have been unable to support their family in America and are hoping for better prospects in their home country. But things hardly improve once they settle in Limerick; as McCourt puts it, "Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood. Worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood." Illness and death are commonplace in Limerick, and Malachy's drinking and inability to hold a job make matters worse. Angela's Ashes was directed by Alan Parker
-----------------------Paprika (2006)
Groundbreaking animator Satoshi Kon (whose credits include Tokyo Godfathers, Millennium Actress, and Perfect Blue) directed this visually spectacular adaptation of a science fiction novel by Yatsutaka Tsutsui. Atsuko is a psychiatrist who uses advanced technology to study the human mind. Atsuko has developed a machine that will allow her to enter the dreams of her patients and study their psyches from the inside. Director(s):
Satoshi Kon, Kon Satoshi
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
el transporte como elemento necesario en nuestra planificacion urbana
- Este elemento tiene como objetivo balancear la formas en las que transportamos nuestros productos y a nosotros mismos.
- La palabra clave es Balance.
- La mayoria de las sociedades hoy en dia han abusado del uso del automobil como modo de transporte y han olvidado las alternativas a este. Hasta el punto en el que nos hemos convertido en sociedades insustentables desde el punto de vista economico, ecologico y equitativo
- Por lo tanto para poder acercarnos a este balance y obtener sustentabilidad, debemos de enfocarnos en el "transporte alternativo".
- caminar y andar en bicicleta es parete del enfoque alternativo, ya que ademas de ser divertido, romantico y estetico es saludable, no obstante no satisface nuestros requisitos de transporte hoy en dia, pero podemos sustituir un 30 0 40 por ciento de viajes en auto por esta modalidad.
- Debido a que no podemos hacer todo en bicicleta o caminando, debemos apoyar obras de transporte publico y promover eficiencia y economia (ejemplo. metrobus) e integrarlo a nuestro modo de vida.
Mexico es una GRAN CIUDAD con grandes oportunidades para analizar, proponer, experimentar y convertirse en una ciudad de propuesta. Hablar o escribir en este tono no es ingenuidad, puesto que hay ejemplos de ciudades en condiciones similares que han logrado projectos de transporte bien balanceaos con resultados positivos que las han llevado a ser ciudades sustentables
Curitiba que es posiblemente el mejor ejemplo: http://www3.iclei.org/localstrategies/summary/curitiba2.html
www.indihouse.comInicia Puente en cuautehmoc y churubusco
Visita esta pagina http://www.circuitobicentenario.com.mx/ ahi selecciona la obra : PUENTE VEHICULAR AV. MEXICO-COYOACAN para ver vias alternas.
tambien puedes ver otras obras que se estan haciendo en el DF.