Monday, June 23, 2008

peliculas que quiero ver este verano aparte del kungfu panda

----------------Dark Star (1974)
The directorial debut of horrormeister John Carpenter comes in the way of Dark Star a parody of Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece, 2001--A Space Odyssey. Director: John Carpenter

---------------ERASERHEAD (1977)
Filmed intermittently over the course of a five-year period, David Lynch's radical feature debut stars Jack Nance as Henry Spencer, a man living in an unnamed industrial wasteland.

---------------Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life (1993)
Richard E. Grant stars in this short satiric comedy as gloomy author Franz Kafka, who has been stricken with a serious case of writer's block on Christmas Eve. Kafka is trying to get started on his latest short story, The Metamorphosis, but he isn't sure what his protagonist Gregor Samsa should become. As Kafka struggles with indecision, he has to content with a loud holiday party downstairs, several unexpected guests, and a sinister knife salesman who has a bone to pick with Franz. Directed by Peter Capaldi.

--------------------Angela's Ashes (1999)
Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir by Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes is an alternately funny and heartbreaking look at growing up in Ireland. Born in Brooklyn, NY, young Frank (Joe Breen) moves at an early age to Limerick, Ireland, with his parents Angela (Emily Watson) and Malachy (Robert Carlyle), who have been unable to support their family in America and are hoping for better prospects in their home country. But things hardly improve once they settle in Limerick; as McCourt puts it, "Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood. Worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood." Illness and death are commonplace in Limerick, and Malachy's drinking and inability to hold a job make matters worse. Angela's Ashes was directed by Alan Parker

-----------------------Paprika (2006)
Groundbreaking animator Satoshi Kon (whose credits include Tokyo Godfathers, Millennium Actress, and Perfect Blue) directed this visually spectacular adaptation of a science fiction novel by Yatsutaka Tsutsui. Atsuko is a psychiatrist who uses advanced technology to study the human mind. Atsuko has developed a machine that will allow her to enter the dreams of her patients and study their psyches from the inside. Director(s):
Satoshi Kon, Kon Satoshi

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

el transporte como elemento necesario en nuestra planificacion urbana

  1. Este elemento tiene como objetivo balancear la formas en las que transportamos nuestros productos y a nosotros mismos.
  2. La palabra clave es Balance.
  3. La mayoria de las sociedades hoy en dia han abusado del uso del automobil como modo de transporte y han olvidado las alternativas a este. Hasta el punto en el que nos hemos convertido en sociedades insustentables desde el punto de vista economico, ecologico y equitativo
  4. Por lo tanto para poder acercarnos a este balance y obtener sustentabilidad, debemos de enfocarnos en el "transporte alternativo".
  5. caminar y andar en bicicleta es parete del enfoque alternativo, ya que ademas de ser divertido, romantico y estetico es saludable, no obstante no satisface nuestros requisitos de transporte hoy en dia, pero podemos sustituir un 30 0 40 por ciento de viajes en auto por esta modalidad.
  6. Debido a que no podemos hacer todo en bicicleta o caminando, debemos apoyar obras de transporte publico y promover eficiencia y economia (ejemplo. metrobus) e integrarlo a nuestro modo de vida.

Mexico es una GRAN CIUDAD con grandes oportunidades para analizar, proponer, experimentar y convertirse en una ciudad de propuesta. Hablar o escribir en este tono no es ingenuidad, puesto que hay ejemplos de ciudades en condiciones similares que han logrado projectos de transporte bien balanceaos con resultados positivos que las han llevado a ser ciudades sustentables

Curitiba que es posiblemente el mejor ejemplo:

Inicia Puente en cuautehmoc y churubusco

El Gobierno del Distrito Federal inició el cierre vehicular de las avenidas Río Churubusco en su entronque con el Eje 1 Poniente (Cuauhtémoc), en sus carriles centrales y su continuación con avenida México-Coyoacán, debido a la construcción del nuevo puente vehicular en la zona, que iniciará mañana miércoles.

Visita esta pagina ahi selecciona la obra : PUENTE VEHICULAR AV. MEXICO-COYOACAN para ver vias alternas.

tambien puedes ver otras obras que se estan haciendo en el DF.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

pronte en

dejando un poco la justicia ecologica y social exhibiendo una probadita de la nueva colleccion 2008 de mis explotaciones digitales
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

El dia de hoy voy a aventarles unos terminos que se utilizan en el mundo de la economia y el medio ambiente.. solo que les toca tambien clase de ingles....

[...] Environmental Economics [...] undertakes theoretical or empirical studies of the economic effects of national or local environmental policies around the world [...]. Particular issues include the costs and benefits of alternative environmental policies to deal with air pollution, water quality, toxic substances, solid waste, and global warming.[1]

El "efecto boomerang" "the boomerang effect". por aqui tambien le dicen " that it comes back to bite you in the ass"

It happens when goods that are restricted in domestic markets, because they present a "danger", are often legally exported to other countries. and the effects of this deliberate change to the ecosystem, escape the control of those who introduced them. examples include:
  • DDT Pesticide.. which lead to the accumulation of chemicals in birds and interfered with their reproduction, thus killed them
  • the introduction of rabbits in australia, became economically and environmentally damaging because rabbits had no natural predators there.
Genetic Modified CROPS (GM):

these disturb fragile ecosystems, create "super weeds and increase herbicides.
  • EU has attempted to restyrict imports of GM crops but WTO has Prohibited it (quien sabe por que???)
"Race to the Bottom":

its where nations reduce their environmental or social standards in order to gain a competitive advantage. 
  • "Pollution Havens"  are countries, states or areas attracting manufacturing firms due to its weak environmental regulations. (I wonder what country is considered the number one pollution Haven??) 
Local Agencies:

they are primarlly responsible for abatement regulation

pronto visita

Thursday, May 08, 2008

debajo del cielo puede que haya algo

una huella en la arena
es solo una espacio temporal,
donde un cuerpo luminoso
pasa momentaneamente
si dejar huella

Que no quede huella
que no
que no
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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

the return of the AMLO

"con la fuerza de nuestras ideas y principios, vamos a iniciar una nueva etapa de resistencia civil pacífica para la defensa del petróleo."

"with the strenght of our ideas and our principles, we are initiating a new stage of peaceful civil resistance in defense of Oil"
translation: Sr. Matranza

MAS MEJOR MENTE DICHO! con la fuerza de nuestras ideas y principios, vamos a iniciar una nueva etapa de resistencia civil pacifica para la defensa del MEDIO AMBIENTE!

no obstante:

un buen comienzo seria Identificar el VALOR real DE los recursos naturales que extraemos del medio ambiente como El PETROLEO, madera, piedras, metales, tierra, caza y pesca. -dificilmente posible, porque

la FUERZA de NUESTRAS IDEAS Y NUESTROS PRINCIPIOS son las principales RESISTENCIAs en nosotros mismos que nos desvian del VALOR ECOLOGICO que nos permitiria CLARIDAD Y JUSTICIA.

Addicionalmente al llamado de nuestro Presidente REal de Mexico a la lucha por el petroleo bajo el nombre de "EQUIDAD SOCIAL" esta lucha DEBE en mi opinion cambiar ideologias y metas capitalistas metidas en el fondod de nuestras ideas y nuestros principios; asi poder dar justicia y RESPETO a nuetros RECURSOS ECOLOGICOS .

la BASE de LA ENERGia Y la Economia debera ser Para el pueblo, dice AMLO y yo me pregunto PARA QUE? para que el pueblo continue explotando, contaminando y FALTANDOLE AL RESPETO AL ecosistema en el que vive. DONDE esta lA EQUIDAD.

PArtidario de AMLO (algo es algo)

Monday, May 05, 2008

Teaching sustainabilityBY Bob Norberg

Students in a Sonoma State University course are studying how to build sustainable communities, dealing with issues that range from ecology to economics.“We are drilling into transportation, land use, housing, food, energy and water,” said Rocky Rohwedder, an SSU professor of environmental studies and planning. “What are the equity issues, the economic issues. It is very theoretical and hard to wrap your hands around.”To bring it down to earth, the class looks at examples of what some cities and countries are doing.“You can have a sustainable world and still have a warm shower and cold beer,” Rohwedder. “But we have to think differently.”Students are looking closely at Sonoma State’s own practices as well.“The university needs to be a model of responsibility, of sustainability,” Rohwedder said. “If not here, then where? How can we expect communities around us to have sustainable policies and programs if the university doesn’t do it?”The class is adhering to the United Nation’s proclamation of a decade of study of sustainable development, running from 2005 to 2015.Its title, “Planning for Sustainable Communities,” is meant to be a step beyond Earth Day.“Earth Day has been about endangered species and about recycling,” Rohwedder said. “This class is asking the bigger question ... what next ... looking at structures and change for communities and not just green consumerism.”People must make substantial changes in how they live to bring the earth back into balance, so that they are not consuming more resources than the earth can supply, he said.“The bottom line here is we can’t just tweak the edges and get to where we need to be. We need an 80 percent decline in carbon dioxide in the next 20 years,” Rohwedder said. “You can screw in only so many fluorescent light bulbs and drive only so many Priuses. We need new structures and new models.”Rohwedder said the living conditions of residents of developing countries are important.“You can’t tackle ecological problems without addressing economics. We have to address the impact of poverty on how people treat the ecology,” he said.“If we can’t get them out of the $1 a day economy, we can’t get them to address their water and air.”Rohwedder said there are examples of cities and countries that are doing good things.In some parts of the Netherlands, there are separate bicycle lanes with their own traffic signals, and hundreds of public bicycles are ridden and then left for someone else to use.In Curtiva, Brazil, impoverished residents are being put to work cleaning parks and handling recycling programs, improving their economic status.For transportation, the city has roadways that change direction according to the time of day.Students also see some successes at Sonoma State.The university gets high marks for it renovated Salazar Hall. When it was remodeled, the building was fitted with a rooftop photovoltaic array, evaporative coolers and an advanced, computer-controlled energy management system, decreasing energy use by 40 percent.At the new student recreation center, the basketball court is made up of ground-up vehicle tires, the seats are webbed with the end rolls of seat belt material and gray water is used for the toilets and urinals.The university has its own sorting center for recycling, composts its yard clippings and uses native California and drought-resistant plants.Students want the university give out free bus passes, do more to support car and van pools, build more secure bike racks, and put individual water and electric meters in the dorms.You can reach Staff Writer Bob Norberg at 521-5206 or

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

"No" Al Tratado de libre Comercio de Colombia

No esta por demas escribir nada al respecto ya que con la experiencia de mexico debemos saber lo que le espera a colombia. Pero si te interesa saber mas al respecto y formar tu propia opinion te recomiendo que leas a Chang "Practically all of today's developed countries, including Britain and the US, the supposed homes of the free market and free trade, have become rich on the basis of policy recipes that go against neo-liberal economics."
toca todos los temas de la estructura del imperialismo de hoy en un libro que se Llama "Bad Samaritans" ejemplo:
"Some 97 percent of all patents and the vast majority of all copyrights and trademarks are held by economically advanced countries, which use them to deny medicines, textbooks, and computers to underdeveloped countries, exploit epidemics such as HIV/AIDS to extract excess profits, and kick away the ladder for countries trying to catch up.

ojala lean algo,

E. Scott Pena
Proximamente en tu medio ambiente

Friday, March 28, 2008

aquella imagen rodeada por los lagos de Texcoco

La Sierra de Guadalupe es una región poco reconocida por la mayoría de quienes allí viven y lo es más para los habitantes de la zona metropolitana de la Ciudad de México. A este conjunto montañoso se le llama “los cerros” cuando no es que se habla de él como “un problema” que impide hacer menos tiempo de recorrido entre ciertas áreas del estado de México ubicadas al norte del Distrito Federal.
leer mas...

Monday, March 03, 2008

QUe Significa PRESERVAR Nuestra RAza PARA Ti?

Preservar Nuestra raza puede ser algo no del todo ATractivo --SI No PERTENECIERA YO a ella.
De los 4.5 billones de anos(de acuerdo a los concensos sientificos actualmente) que tiene de vida la tierra (como planeta) , ha sufrido varios desastres, la tierra ya ha pasado por calentamiento global y por la epoca de hielo, extincion de especies --ha mutado y evolucionado y creado simpre finalmente un orden de systemas despues del Caos-- , LOS PROBLEMAS GLOBALS QUE ENFRENTAMOS indican que la tierra nuevamente esta al margen del CAOS. La diferencia es que esta vez lo genereamos Los Humanos -MI RAZA y consecuentemente la de mi Hijo e Hija.

O hacemos algo Por Preservar NUESTRA RAZA en el PLAneta Tierra. Y nos olvidamos de que en los ultimos 100 anos nos encargamos de destruir lo que acostumbramos llamar "NUESTRO" planeta.. , Nuestra Tierra, Nuestro Bosque, Nuestra Madera, Nuestro Mar, Nuestros Peces, Nuestro Petroleo, Nuestro Carbon, Nuestro, Nuestro Nuestro,Nuestro...
solo somos una especie --un organismo mas-- en el planeta que un dia se volvio insustentable, porque alguien se sintio poderoso y se sintio dueno.  Se equivoco? Nos equivocamos? no es nuestra naturaleza? -- si es nuestra naturaleza y no nos equivocamos entonces tambien sera unevento natural la extincion de nuestra RAZA.

TU que CREES? se puede..Podemos hacer algo.. ? Tu... Puedes CAmbiar? HAcer algo?
Te Importa? que opinass? no Opinas? eres joven, tienes hijos, nietos, TE IMporta? importa... o el comentario es irrelevante? escribe algo ? nadie te va a juzgar ? no tengas miedo de ... NADA!
Lo peor Ya esta Hecho.. 

Hoy Podemos involucrarnos o ignorar LA REALIDAD!

Recuerda que la realidad que requerimos no es la que yo digo ni la que se escribe en nigun otro lado, sino la realidad que aveces suena en el fondo de nuestros pensamientos y que aveces quiere salir en suenos o en iluciones y aveces actuando de maneras opuestas.. esta represion de la realidad es la fuerza necesaria para contrarestar la falta de energia no renobable.

Somos pozos de energia CRUDA que requiere ser refinada!


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

pelis de arquitectura

2001 & Beyond

2001:A Space Odyssey

2002:A Space Odyssey, Directors Cut

2010: The Year We Make Contact

42 Street VHS

42nd Street DVD

A Room with a View

Aelita, Queen of Mars



Berlin, Symphony of a City

Blade Runner


Brideshead Revisited v.1

Brideshead Revisited v.2

Brideshead Revisited v.3

Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Cinema Paradisio


Cuba, The Forgotten Island

Death in Venice

Don Giovanni

Falling Down

Felini's La Dolce Vita

Felini's Roma

Germany Year Zero

La Dolce Vita

La Notte

Lina Bo Badi

M.A.S.H. episode

Man with the Movie Camera


Modern Times


Miami Vice, The Movie

Miami Vice, The Prodigal Son

Mon Oncle

New York Stories

North by Northwest

Panic Room

Peter Pan, gift


Rear Window

Red Desert

Room with a View

Shooting the Past, Masterpiece Theatre


The Agony and the Ecstacy

The Battleship Poteemkin, Eisenstein

The Belly of an Architect

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligaari

The Conformist. On Order

The Draughstman's Contract

The Fountainhead

The Matrix

The Name of the Rose, Eco.

The Rear Window

The Red Balloon

The Truman Show

Titanic, v.1

Titanic, v.2

Towering Inferno

Until the End of the World


Vertigo: Restored Remastered Special Edition

Voyage in Italy, Rosellini

Wall Street

Walt Disney's Fantasia

Wings of Desire
